Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am (no evening service January 2025)
At our Sunday evening services, we’ve introduced the question box. It’s fairly simple: write a question, put it in the box, and then at some future date, and I will try to answer it within 2 minutes, from the bible. I’m definitely not all-knowing, but I am convinced that in His word, God has given…
So today’s question is: Does forgiving one another as Christ forgave us means we should only forgive those who repent as Christ asks? What verses can I look to answer this? I love how these questions are wanting bible verses. So here are a couple of things that Jesus said about forgiveness: And so here’s…
Today’s question from the box is: Why do some Christians use anointing oil? (e.g. on themselves, their possessions, etc). Should we be doing it? Good question: You’ll find that in Catholic Churches, Orthodox and also some Charismatic churches, oil is used to anoint people and things. And it comes from the Old Testament where oil…
So, the very first question we answered from the question box, is a really interesting one: “What is the biblical response to gaslighting?” In case you haven’t heard of that word: “Gaslighting” is when someone uses lies and manipulation to make you think you’re crazy. It’s a form of control, where some might end up…
On his deathbed, the famous Citizen Kane whispered his final word: “Rosebud”. Strangely the word had not featured prominently in the story, but was full of pathos and poignancy, for it was the name of the sled given to him as a boy by his mother, presumably his last transaction with the innocence of youth…
I’ve attended many schools during my life, and all of them helpful to the gaining of wisdom, even if some of the lessons were of the painful kind. Like my first day at State School, when I was caned by the headmaster for running on the cement. Who could forget! Standing trembling in his office,…
Since the start of the year, I’ve been on the road, having departed from a monastery in Greece, and now bound for Egypt, via Turkey, Syria, and Israel. Vicariously, unfortunately, through the travel diary of William Dalrymple, who himself is retracing the steps of the sixth-century pilgrim John Moschos. I’m just up to the part…
For ten thousand mercies bestowed throughout this year now ended For sunshine and showers and bread upon our table For truths planted deeply and strong promises held For churches still preaching the conquering Lamb For saints protected and prodigals turned For hope for tomorrow and The presence of Christ We praise and Thank you Lord…
O Lamb who graced the manger Please grace my heart today O Child to whom the gold was giv’n Please teach me what to pray For I am poor and lowly And know not what to bring But Thou art kind and gentle With mercies of a King O Lamb who greeted shepherds Look kindly…
There are some very warm Christmas carols, but there are some too with words of ice. Like that one that starts off with a merry rest offered to gentlemen, but then gets down to business: “To save us all from Satan’s power when we had gone astray”. Whew! Not easy to sing with candle in…