Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30pm


“SWAG” is the St Giles Wilderness Adventure Group – adventure group for boys school year 3 and up. Through a range of outdoor activities as well as our weekly program, SWAG encourages the boys to grow in maturity and in their relationship with God.

Where:            Ministry Centre of Hurstville Presbyterian Church, 43 Park Rd Hurstville
                        (next to the church located on the corner of MacMahon St and Park Rd).
When:             Tuesday nights – during school term
Time:               6:30-8:30pm
What we do:   Abseiling, bushwalking, camping, bike riding, challenging games and Bible

For more information, why not look at the SWAG Website?

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