Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30pm

Small Groups

Autumn- Winter 2024

During Term 2 (May- June), our small groups will studying 1 Peter and using the book “Living Well on the Way Home” by Juan Sanchez.

Summer 2024

During Term 1 (February- April), our small groups will be working through the study “Church: Enjoying God’s Masterpiece” by Anne Woodcock.

Church: Enjoying God's Masterpiece (ebook)

Winter  & Spring 2023

During Term 3 and 4 (July-November), our small groups will be working through different topics in the “Bible Encounter” Series by Sean International.

Bible Encounter Manual (English) – TEE Online Store

Autumn 2023

During Term 2 (May- June), our small groups will be working through the book of Micah, in conjunction with the Sunday sermon series, and using Stephen Um’s “Micah- What does God require of us?” from the Good Book Company

Micah: What Does God Require of Us?


Summer 2023

During Term 1 (January- April), our Small Groups will be working through the book of Acts, in conjunction with the Sunday sermon series, and using R. Albert Mohler’s study book ‘Acts 1-12: The Church is Born’, from the Good Book Company.

Acts 1-12: The Church is Born



Spring 2022

During Term 4 (October – November), our Small Groups will be working through the Book of Ruth, in conjunction with the Sunday sermon series, and using Tony Merida’s study book ‘Ruth – The Lord Provides’, from the Good Book Company.

Winter 2022

During Term 3 (August – September), our Small Groups will be working through a selection of Psalms, in conjunction with the Sunday sermon series, and using Christopher Ash’s study book ‘The King’s Choir’, from the Good Book Company.

Autumn 2022

During Term 2 (May-June), our Small Groups will be working through the Book of Isaiah, in conjunction with the Sunday sermon series, and using Tim Chester’s study book ‘Here is your God’, from the Good Book Company.

Summer 2022

During Term 1 (mid-February to mid-April), our Small Groups will be working through The Lord’s Prayer, in conjunction with the Sunday sermon series, and using Tim Chester’s study book ‘Talking to our Father’, from the Good Book Company.

The study on Paul’s letter to Philemon can be downloaded here: Philemon.docx

Winter 2021

During Term 3 (mid-July to mid-September), our Small Groups will be working through Paul’s letter to the Colossians, in conjunction with the Sunday sermon series, and using James Stone’s ‘Fullness In Christ’, from the Pathway Bible Guides series.

Autumn 2021

During Term 2, 2021, we’ll finish the journey from Mt Sinai to the Promised Land, and travel through the pages of Exodus to Deuteronomy in 10 studies.

The first study (Exodus 20): Laws to Live By

The second study (Exodus 32): Sin at Mt Sinai

The third study (Leviticus 19): Holiness in all of life

The fourth study (Numbers 13): Good spies Bad Guys

The fifth study (Numbers 20): Two strikes and out

The sixth study (Numbers 21): The Bronze Snake

The seventh study (Leviticus 16): The Day of Atonement

The eighth study (Numbers 22): The Crooked Wand

The ninth study (Deuteronomy 31): Moses’ farewell

The tenth study (Joshua 3): Crossing over Jordan

Spring 2020

During our Spring series this year, we will journey from the River Nile to the top of Mt Sinai, and follow the Israelites on their great exodus from Egypt. The story is told in the first twenty chapters of the Book of Exodus, and our Small Groups will be using Bryson Smith’s “Getting to Know God” in the Pathway series, which can be purchased from Matthias Media using the following link:

Winter / Autumn 2020

Our new Winter series will follow on from our Autumn series, and will consider things that Christians need to know that they have, namely:

The twelfth study (Romans 8:18-27): A Death to release you

The eleventh study (1 Corinthians 11:17-34): A Sacrament to strengthen you

The tenth study (Esther 6:1-14): A Providence to lead you

The ninth study (1 Corinthians 12:1-11): A Spiritual Gift to equip you

The eighth study (Ephesians 6:10-20): An Armour to protect you

The seventh study (Acts 17:16-34): A World that needs you

The sixth study (Acts 2:42-47): A Family to surround you

The fifth study (Matthew 6:5-15): A Father to hear you

The fourth study (Romans 12:9-21): A Law to occupy you

The third study (Psalm 119:105-112): A Book to guide you

The second study (Titus 3:1-8): A Spirit to improve you

The first study (Romans 5:1-11): A Peace to Hold You

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