Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30 pm
I met a married couple at a mission dinner recently who had a brilliant way of supporting missionary causes. He introduced himself as an investor, and she as a seeker-out and spender; with a strategy to both use their gifts and insights to bring a double blessing. What a dynamic duo, and certainly better than many of my solo efforts either to invest or to spend. “Two are better than one,” says the Book, “because they have a good return for their labour.”
The statement, of course, is not an absolute, and the Preacher (of Ecclesiastes) would be the first to admit that there are exceptions to the rule. Even the best business partnerships can sometimes go awry, such that sometimes, one is better than two! And even sometimes, none is better than one! (Eccles 9:18b). But the general principle still stands, and holds for the majority of times and situations – that it is good to have help, and that it is not good for man to be alone.
One partnership that has always worked, and that has stood the test for eternity, is that Trinity of Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One the planner. One the executor. And One who holds it all in place. And with regard to the missionary cause – One who elects, One who redeems, and One who brings it all to life. A dynamic duo? Rather a tremendous Trio, and a threefold cord that can never be broken.
DM 5th November 2022