Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30pm
Looks like we’re heading for a double dissolution in our Australian Parliament, where both upper (Senate) and lower (Representatives) houses are dissolved in order to test the right to govern our country. But we have been through this before. All of us. All the earth. Long ago. In the earliest days, an existing law was questioned, and the parents of the human race challenged God for the right to overturn it. Their stubborn rebellion triggered the divine response – the double dissolution.
First the upper house, where on the very day that they ate from the tree which had been forbidden them, and was in fact the very subject of the law that was under review, their hearts were separated from the heart of God in what might be called the first dissolution. Then the lower house, where after many years of weary labour and painful thorns and thistles, these stubborn creatures who had been made from the dust returned to it, and their souls were separated from their bodies, and the dissolution was doubled.
But the God above who holds the right to govern, already had a plan, and tabled an Act of Redemption, where if passed, would hold the promise of overcoming the double separation. And thankfully the plan was not submitted to the human race for its approval, nor even for its opinion by plebiscite, but was signed into deed by his own hand, and put into action by his own Son.
DM 19th April 2016