Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30 pm

By Hook or by Crook

Kids miss out on a lot of things these days, like diving-boards at the local pool, igniting fireworks on cracker night, and writing in autograph books. One of the privileges of giving someone an autograph book was the right to inscribe on the first page the words: “By hook or by crook, I’m first in this book.” And so stood the proud words, until some roguish relative would scrawl above them in tiny writing: “By eggs or by bacon, I think you’re mistaken!”

But such roguish behaviour cannot be done in the divine book! The words, “I am the Alpha and the Omega” don’t leave a lot of room for anything to be written either before or after! And the One who said them will have the last word. What a lovely thought, seeing that some of the things to happen at the end of time have already been leaked to us in that great book of unveiling, The Revelation. Things like “no more crying” and “no more death” and “no more pain”. Nice to think that it will work out just as it’s written, since no-one can do an “eggs and bacon” job at the end.

As for His autograph, Jesus once wrote in the sand, and the Father once wrote on tablets of stone with his finger, plus some “writing on the wall” in the days of Daniel. What Jesus wrote in the sand was never recorded, and the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written are yet to surface. But the writing of that Third Person of the Trinity can still be read on every page and in every word of the Scriptures, even if the script does look like Times New Roman!

DM. 11th December 2012


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