Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am (no evening service January 2025)

Bolts of grace

A storm was brewing, and a dazzling lightening show lit the skyline. In fact, a frightening lightning show that would have converted a dozen Martin Luthers. (The aforesaid Reformer, according to biographers, resolved to join the ministry when caught in the midst of a deadly lightning storm.) A crane on the adjoining building site displayed an ominous warning, bearing the unfortunate name of its building company: ‘Ignite Constructions’. That didn’t portent well, as the bolts of lightning got closer and the booms of thunder got louder.

There is an occasion in the Story, as Luke records it, when Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. A Samaritan village was on route, but apparently showed no signs of being receptive to a visit. In fact, showed all the signs of wishing Jesus a short welcome and long farewell. Two of Jesus’ disciples were indignant, and asked if they should call down fire from heaven to effect a sort of ‘Ignite Deconstruction’; but were told in no uncertain terms that was not to be their prayer.

What a relief and comfort to hear Jesus’ response. What if it had been otherwise, and the prayer had been granted? What a different religion would have ensued, and a different landscape of Judean cities and towns left scorched and smoking. But the road to Jerusalem was touched by a better fire: a holy fire that effected blessed reconstructions, and lifted multitudes from their complacency, and launched a thousand Martin Luthers into willing Kingdom service.

DM 23rd January 2022

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