Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30pm
Not long to go now until the announcement of this year’s Archibald finalists. I always enjoy visiting the Gallery, and not just to smile or smirk at the entries, but to try to appreciate the Director’s placement of the artworks in terms of sequence. I dare say it’s easier when the works being exhibited come from the same artist, but the Archibald presents a more complex challenge.
I wonder if it was difficult for the book-binders of the New Testament to order the Gospels. They have long sat in the sequence of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But I wonder if a different order was ever contemplated, or even whether the sequence was the subject of any debate. Is there a logical order? Certainly each writer places a different emphasis on Jesus: In Matthew we meet Jesus as King. In Mark we meet Him as Servant. In Luke we meet Him as Saviour. And in John we meet Jesus as God.
Is there a reason for that sequence? To first encounter the One whose sovereignty is greater than ours. And then to be surprised that this King is one who serves. Then to be stunned to know that this King can pardon my sins and mend my heart. And then finally to encounter Him as someone to be loved and worshipped. Seems logical to me. And well done to the Holy Curator who put these good books in such a wise and holy order.
DM 8th September 2020