Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30pm
How utterly infuriating! In a technologically-advanced world such as ours, how hard can it be to retrieve a file accidently deleted from a flash drive, without spending a squillion dollars at the local computer shop? Yes. Yes. I thought it might have gone into the Recycle Bin, which would have been an easy retrieve. But no it hasn’t. The file has been submerged in subterranean depths and covered with thick layers of e-seaweed; defiant to any reasonable attempt to restore it to its former place.
On the other hand, there is something intriguing and wonderful about not being able to retrieve a deleted file, and to know that when you hit ‘Delete’, I mean deliberately that is, you really mean it. How terribly, terribly infuriating it would be, to live in a world where you could never delete information. Of course, some of our meta-data friends are already speaking of a world where the Recycle Bin can never be emptied.
All I can say is that I know of a world where data can be deleted, and forever. Says the Book, in Micah (7:19), that for all who ask, God will hurl their iniquities into the depths of the sea. Meaning not that our sins are lying on the bottom of the ocean floor and able to be retrieved, but that they have been surrounded and dissolved by the currents of a strong and powerful grace. And that is something far from infuriating!
DM 7th March 2017