Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30pm
I never know whether to laugh or cry whenever I experience “Pins and Needles”. The sensation, for me at least, is usually painful, but relieved somewhat by the knowledge that at leastrigor mortis has not captured my limbs. It’s a funny feeling isn’t it, and a funny name. I have a niece who, before she was aware of the “medical term” said to her father, “Dad, I’ve got sparkles in my leg!”
It seems from my reading of Church History that the Church in every age could do with some sparkles, where spiritual life flows back into its blood-starved arms and legs. ‘Revival’, the old theologians would call it, where once numb limbs begin to serve as they were meant to, energized by the healing power of the Blood, and empowered by the Spirit of grace. And well may we hope that the Church soon feels the sensation.
Having suffered through my teenage years from a hundred “dead arms”, and worse, the accompanying terror of feeling the flop of a cold limb in the dark, imagine my delight in stumbling across the Arm Sleeper’s Pillow (pictured). Ingenious! What a brilliant idea, and may the Church never find its spiritual equivalent. Honest repentance from lethargy and inertia is to be chosen every time over the discovery of creative ways to continue one’s slumber and spiritual indifference.
“Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” (Psalm 85:6).
DM 17th Oct 2012