Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30pm
I had reason last week to pay tribute to my hard-working lymphocytes, who engaged in numerous deadly skirmishes with some dangerous intruders of the flu kind. Not sure how many of them died in battle, nor how many received citations for extraordinary acts of bravery. It would be interesting to read their war records and recommendations from their Lymphtenants. I didn’t realise that there are special units among the lymphocytes, some who throw flares to expose enemy lines, and some who sabotage the re-armourment process. Well done troops! You have my sincere appreciation.
But there is another internal battle for which I am more conscious and more thankful. A battle that takes place in my soul every day, which though often unseen, is of greater import than that of the biological kind. The Apostle Paul writes about it in his letter to the Galatians. The sinful nature and the Holy Spirit, he says, are in conflict with each other. They are bitter enemies. Forces opposed to each other with contrary desires. Two unyielding warriors, who will fight to the end.
But only one victor. Each day, the Spirit weakens the forces of the sinful nature, exposing its faulty logic and proud boasting and stubborn intent. Each year, the Spirit deploys more resources in strategic positions, winning ground in the areas of temper and awareness of others and self-control. And one Day, the Spirit will declare the final battle won. And the war record will reveal much of my blundering, and much of his valour and glory.
DM 30th May 2017