Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30pm
I picked up an acorn the other day, and dreamed a dream. I dreamed of the day when that acorn would become a huge oak, under which my family would gather and play. I can see the picture in my mind’s eye: tartan rug rolled out over the autumn leaves, grandchildren swinging from the strongest branch, lovers standing at night and carving their initials on the trunk, birds perching during the day and singing sweetly in the summer sun…..
Unfortunately the chances of any of those things happening are remote. The acorn is currently sitting in a plastic bag in the fridge, as instructed by the experts, so that the chill temperature can stimulate the taproot to emerge. And therein lies the problem. The whole thing is in the vegetable drawer, where I never look. O I’ll remember it, but long after its potential has expired. What a pity for my children and grandchildren, and for all the birds of the air and night-strolling lovers.
How good that the Lord Jesus never forgets, nor starts something that he does not finish. What he plans, comes to pass. When he speaks, it happens. “I am the First”, he said; but also this: “I am the Last”. The Last! What a comfort. He never daydreams. He never disappoints. He never fails to deliver. The acorns that he plants become perfect oaks. And that is his glory. Which is especially comforting, since his acorns are people just like us.
DM 14th May 2019