Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30 pm

Confessions of an Eastcoaster

I recently acquired a 3D topographical map of Australia, and was surprised to see mountains where I did not expect them, and particularly, in the Northern Territory. I had imagined the interior to be all sand dunes and flat desert, punctuated by some big rocks like Uluru. But the map exposed my ignorance, and proved that I’ve been obviously living the sheltered life, for too long, on the wrong side of the Great Dividing Range.

My geographical ignorance reminded me of another’s. “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?” asked God of Job, “Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions?…. Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth? Tell me, if you know all this…… Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain, and a path for the thunderstorm, to water a land where no man lives, a desert with no one in it, to satisfy a desolate wasteland and make it sprout with grass?”

Job was wise enough to say that he had no idea about such things. And he didn’t even have a 2D map! He simply bit his lip. But is that all he did? I suspect he also allowed his heart to leap with hope, to know that there is someone who does know such things, and more. And who watches over every sand dune and every sand creature. And who calls to every tired and broken heart to put their hope in Him.

DM 13th August 2022


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