Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am and 6:30pm
Has anyone in the world ever experienced a successful group project? Where every person made an equal contribution? Where every person submitted their particular piece of work on time? Where every person actually did some work to actually contribute? The tragic who wrote the following I think sums it up for us all: “When I die, I want the people I did group projects with, to lower me into my grave, so they can let me down once last time.”
I know of only one group project that went really well. It involved some people who carried their paralysed friend to place where he could find help. However when they arrived at the destination, it was so crowded with needy people, that they couldn’t get where they needed to be. So four of the men carried their friend to the roof-top – a flat roof in those days when this happened in the Middle East – cut a hole in the roof, then lowered their friend down through the opening in the roof to the floor below, landing him right in the healing zone.
And healed he was. A double healing in fact. Arms and legs made strong, and a heart washed and forgiven. The man then stood at the command of the Carpenter’s Son, while the crowd looked on in wonder. And above them all, on the roof, four friends wept at the sight of the only group project in the history of the world that had gone really well.
DM 11th Oct 2016