Cnr of Park Rd and MacMahon St, Hurstville Sundays at 9:30 am (no evening service January 2025)
It always seemed a big deal at Primary School – the selection of the School Captain. In my day, it was the teachers who determined the result; but today, the candidates give their best pitch and the students give their bought vote. Now looking back, and in comparison with what is called ‘the big scheme of things’, the whole deal was just a small honour in a small country town. Which is now how I think about our federal election.
It seems a big deal if you watch the news channels. Political aspirants making their pitches. Parties speaking at volume about their own importance. Supporters ready to break out in loud applause or break down in salty tears. And newscasters, dressed to the nines, primed for the night of nights. But at the end of the day, and in that big scheme of things, it is but a small deal in a small part of the world for a small duration of time.
I wonder if angels even bother watching, for they know that there is a bigger deal and a more important agenda that is being played out in this world. Their Captain, chosen by God, and elected to represent humanity, will govern and hold office and fulfill his ambitions. ‘The government will be on his shoulders,’ says the Book, and ‘of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.’ Which is a great comfort, and always gets my vote.
DM 21st May 2022